Our sustainability approach is shaped by our sustainability commitments in line with corporate values. We work to create value at social, environmental and managerial levels at every stage of the mining lifecycle. We are committed to conducting our business to the highest standards, creating real, lasting and tangible benefits for the people whose lives our activities touch.

Environmental responsibility is at the center of Tüprag’s business philosophy. We strive to manage our impact on the environment at every stage of our operations, from exploration, development, production and distribution of mines to rehabilitation of mine sites. In parallel with development and production activities, we implement projects for the rehabilitation and restoration of the local environment.
To monitor our environmental performance, we develop environmental management systems that focus on air quality, noise, dust, vibration levels, soil and water quality as well as energy use. Through our comprehensive environmental management and monitoring systems, we continually evaluate the effectiveness of our practices and seek to improve our performance.
We aim to continuously evaluate our activities in order to continue our activities by providing a visible working environment, respecting human rights and contributing to sustainable development.
We are aware of our responsibilities to the communities in the regions where we operate; We believe that one of the most meaningful ways to work with our stakeholders to create positive and lasting benefits is to provide employment. We prioritize local workers at the point of employment and contribute to the people of the region directly and indirectly through employment, skills development and economic diversification.
Based on interaction with and feedback from local communities, we prioritize investing in infrastructure projects, capacity and skill development, education and health services.. Tüprag will be able to carry the value beyond the life of a mine; focuses on supporting initiatives that can work to develop strong, vibrant and energetic communities.

Our managerial policies and mechanisms help ensure ethical and responsible business practices. Our focus areas include corporate governance practices related to accountability and transparency, fight against corruption and bribery, and compliance with laws and regulations.
We conduct our operations ethically and apply high corporate governance standards in our operations. We believe that an integrated approach to managing our operations, risks and relationships can facilitate long-term planning and improve our performance.
Our managerial practices are organized in accordance with leading international standards to achieve our goals and promote sustainable development.