Our company is committed to fully incorporating sustainability into its activities, as expressed in our Sustainability Framework. While we support local governments to protect human rights and prevent violations of human rights, we continue our activities with an approach that focuses on respecting human rights and producing gold responsibly without conflict.
The purpose of this policy is Eldorado Gold’s human rights commitments; To express the company’s expectations of our employees and subcontractors, and our commitment to engage with stakeholders affected by our operations to support our Sustainability Framework.
Our Human Rights Policy and management approaches have been shaped within the framework of the following international regulations:
• International Declaration of Human Rights
• Declaration of Fundamental Principles and Rights in Working Life of the International Labor Organization
• United Nations Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights
• United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples
• The Ten Principles of the United Nations Global Compact
• Volunteering Principles Regarding Security and Human Rights
• World Gold Council Principles for Responsible Gold Mining
• World Gold Council Undisputed Gold Standard
Our Sustainability Integrated Management System (“SIMS”) sets company-wide sustainability requirements in line with these international regulations to ensure consistent practices and compliance across all operations.
All employees and subcontractors are expected to comply with this Human Rights Policy and the relevant requirements in SIMS. Employees and subcontractors are expected to be aware of human rights violations and to be aware of existing mechanisms for reporting human rights concerns and violations.
Eldorado Gold is committed to:
1. Respect for human rights as defined in the International Declaration of Human Rights and the International Labor Organization’s Declaration of Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work. To conduct our business in a way that does not cause, and complicity in human rights violations, directly or through our business relationships.
2. Respect the rights of our workforce, local community members, and all stakeholders with whom we interact. Our commitment to protecting the human rights of all our business partners, including private security service providers, subcontractors, and suppliers, including working conditions, freedom of association, freedom of expression, collective bargaining, maximum working hours, fair wages and benefits, equal opportunity and non-discrimination. to ensure their participation.
3. To regularly monitor the changing conditions in the regions where we operate and to carry out impact assessments and due diligence to identify the human rights risks associated with our activities to prevent and reduce negative effects.
4. Not to discriminate against any person based on race, gender, religion, age, social status, sexual orientation, or any other characteristic unrelated to the individual’s job performance.
5. Not to tolerate disrespectful or inappropriate behavior, disturbance, harassment or unfair treatment, or retaliation of any kind by our employees, suppliers, and business partners.
6. Respect the human rights of individuals who require special attention, including women, children, local communities, and potentially vulnerable, or marginalized groups.
7. Respect the collective and traditional rights, interests, culture, and ties of the people of the directly affected region, if any, in the sphere of influence. To seek the free and informed consent of the persons concerned before continuing the work and throughout the project.
8. Prohibit child labor, forced labor, and modern slavery in our operations and supply chains, and support the elimination of all forms of child and forced labor.
9. Managing security-related human rights risks through the application of the Principles of Volunteering on Security and Human Rights.
10. Not to cause, support, benefit from, or contribute in any way to unlawful conflict, human rights violations, or violations of International Humanitarian Law.
11. Establish fair, accessible, effective, and appropriate grievance mechanisms where human rights concerns can be raised by our stakeholders and resolved without the risk of discrimination or retaliation.